MASA International Privacy Policy and Protection Policy
In compliance with articles from 15 to 22 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 on Protection of Personal Details and article 10 of the Law 34/2002 of July 11th on Services of the Information and Electronic Commerce Society, we inform you that with a view to safeguard your rights, freedoms and legal interests, you may at any time exercise before the Data Processor your right to access your personal details, rectify or delete the same, limit their processing, object to the processing, as well as your right of data portability and your right to file a claim before a control authority.
Registered name: MASA Internacional SAU
Business address: Avda. Alfredo Nobel 150, 03183 Torrevieja - Alicante (Spain)
CIF: A787740149
Contact e-mail address: [email protected]
Telephone: 966923444
Company registered in the Companies Registry of Alicante, Volume 3362, General 7343 Book 0, Page 172, Section 8, sheet A-116376, entry No 2.
The Web site (hereinafter the “Web Site”) is owned by MASA Internacional.
MASA Internacional, acting as the Data Processor, informs the users of their Web Sites that they may create an automated file including those personal details that may be released to the said company, as a consequence of the use of the hereby Web and by delivery of e-mails or those collected by contact forms or newletters, strictly complying with the provisions of the legislation on data protection. No details will be ceased to third parties unless there is a legal obligation.
In compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December on Protection of Personal Data and the EU Regulation 2016/679 on Protection of Personal information, users may exercise, at any time, rights of access, rectification, cancellation, objection, suppression, (right to oblivion) limitation and portability of data that might have been collected and stored. You must address the registered office of MASA Internacional to exercise the said rights through written communication or through the e-mail address [email protected] quoting as reference, in any event, “Personal Details”. They must also include the right they intend to exercise and enclose a copy of their National Identity Document.
Details registered may be used to provide and/or offer our services, prepare statistics, deliver publicity (never from third parties), magazines, news -even by electronic means- incident management, or conduction of market studies, amongst other activities.
Where appropriate, personal details provided by the users may be communicated to third parties only with the aim to comply with the before mentioned purposes and only after having obtained consent from the interested parties. This consent will be understood as granted if nothing is objected thereto within 15 days from provision of details. In any case, the said consent can be revoked at any moment through written communication addressed to the registered office of the holder, quoting as reference “Remove Personal Details”.
Access to the Web Site of MASA Internacional involves accepting all of the following conditions:
The logo and registered name MASA Internacional, as well as other distinctive signs (graphic or word signs) which appear on this Web Site are exclusively owned by MASA Internacional, which means this company is the only one authorised to use them.
The contents of this Web Site, texts, images, etc, as well as their graphic design and source code are protected by the Spanish legislation on industrial and intellectual property rights in favour of MASA Internacional.
It is therefore totally forbidden the public reproduction, distribution or communication, total or partial, without express authorisation from MASA Internacional
In the same manner as indicated in the previous paragraphs, the names of the domain ““, are exclusively owned by MASA Internacional. Misuse of the same shall entail infringement of those rights acquired by registration and shall be pursued through the means provided by Law.
The user is expressly authorised by MASA Internacional to visualise, print, copy or store in their hard disk or any hardware those contents and assets covered or not by a right of exclusive, (except computer software). A condition for this is that it is done for personal and private use of the client, without commercial or distribution purposes and without modifying, altering or decompilating the before mentioned rights and contents. This license of personal use shall be regarded as granted, provided that the warnings to the rights of the author and industrial property are respected intact, and it will not involve granting of any license at all to the user.
Any other use of the contents or intelectual creations of this site shall require express and written authorisation from MASA Internacional
MASA Internacional reserves at all times the exercise of all those means or legal actions they may use to defend their legal rights regarding intellectual and industrial property against unauthorised use of the same or any other action that may damage them.
Those links the users may encounter when surfing on this Web Site allow them to quit the site.
In any case, MASA Internacional commit themselves to do their upmost to avoid the presence on their Web Site of links to pages with illegal contents, that enhance illegal, racist or xenophobic activities and, in general, susceptible to attempt against the principles of human freedom and dignity or violate the values and rights recognised by the Spanish Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In the event that any user considers that any link included on this Web Site undermines in any manner their rights or in case it entails the least prejudice, they will only have to communicate this by sending an e-mail to MASA Internacional. They can trust that the necessary measures will be taken with regards to the CONTENTS OF THE WEB.
MASA Internacional shall not be responsible for misuse of the contents of our Web Site, being sole responsibility of the person who access or uses the same.
MASA Internacional reserves the right to modify or delete, without previous notice, the information contained on their Web Site as well as its configuration and presentation, without accepting any responsibility for this.
MASA Internacional shall not accept any responsibility that may arise from technical problems or failure of computer equipment happened during connexion to Internet, as well as those damages that may be caused by third persons through illegitimate intromissions out of the control of MASA Internacional.
We shall be also exonerated from all responsibility before possible damage or prejudice that the user may suffer as a consequence of errors, defaults or omissions of the information when provided by sources external to us.
In general, access to the contents provided by MASA Internacional shall be free and at no cost.
When, for contracting or applying for information about a certain service is necessary to provide personal details, users shall guarantee their veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity. MASA Internacional commits themselves to manage the said details in an automated manner according to their nature and purpose, under the terms and conditions reflected in the Privacy Policy.
In those cases where the use of access codes is necessary (user name and password), the user undertakes to use them according to the following restrictions:
The codes, chosen by the user, shall not be contrary to the moral and general good habits accepted, nor infringe in any manner industrial and intelectual property rights, and right to honour and the own image of third parties.
Access codes are for personal and sole use of the holder of the same, being their possession and correct use sole responsibility of the same. MASA Internacional shall not be responsible for any prejudice caused to a user or to a third party as a consequence of the use of the codes by other persons, with or without consent of the user.
However, MASA Internacional undertakes to fulfil the right to secrecy with regards to the codes registered and used by the users.
The use of the Web Sites of MASA Internacional shall obey to the contents of the present General Conditions, to any applicable legal provisions and the requirements of that morally accepted as a general rule, as well as to the good habits of public order.
Unless previously and expressly authorised by MASA Internacional, users shall only make use of the contents and services offered in this Web Site in a personal manner, avoiding any action which directly or indirectly entails a commercial exploitation of the same.
In any case, users shall use the contents and services provided by MASA Internacional according to the current legislation and they shall accept those responsibilities due to the behaviours or activities that, in any manner, may be illegal or harmful to the rights of third parties or that may prejudice, impede or limit the use of this Web Site to other users.
Users commit themselves not to transmit or spread through MASA Internacional messages, images, photographs, software, details or contents that:
- undermine or attempt in any manner against fundamental rights recognised by the legislation.
- lead, enhance or promote criminal, offensive, defamatory, violent, actions or discriminatory by gender, race, religion or ideology or, in general, that may be contrary to law, moral or public order.
- Are false, ambiguous, inexact, exaggerated, obscene or extemporaneous
- Are protected by any rights of intellectual or industrial property belonging to third parties, unless there is previous and sufficient authorisation from the legal holder.
- Damage or may damage the right to honour, personal intimacy, the own image of third parties or break the rules about secrecy or confidentiality of the communications.
- Are illegal, misleading or disloyal publicity, contain viruses, trojans, worms, time bombs or any other material or program that may damage or alter the functioning of computer equipments or systems.
- contain virus, Troyans, worms, time bombs or any other material or programme that may damage or alter the functioning of computer equipment or systems.
MASA Internacional reserves the unilateral right, at any time and without previous notice or justification, to deny Access to their Web site to those users that do not follow the said General Conditions of Use.
COOKIES (Privacy Settings)
With a view to speed up the service offered, identifying each user as quick as possible, we inform you that this Web Site will use cookies. Cookies are information stored in the hard disk of the computer that are used to speed up and optimise the functioning of the server and the service. All users may modify or reject a cookie. In the latter case, we advise you that the service might be less quick and the quality may diminish. In this sense, all notifications that we may make to the user shall be regarded as validly performed, when having used the details and means before mentioned. To this effect, the user states that all details provided are true, exact, correct and truthful, undertaking to inform of all changes, news and future modifications with regards to notification details.
You may choose that your computer warns you every time a cookie is sent or deactivate all cookies. You can do that using the configuration of your browser. Each browser is a bit different, so please check the Help menu to learn the correct way of modifying cookies.
We use cookies of third parties.
If you wish to reduce or deactivate the use of cookies you can do it through your Internet browser. Next we provide links to advice on how to do this in the most popular Internet browsers.
In order to obtain information on how to do this on the browser of your mobile phone you shall check the handbook of your phone.
USE OF SOCIAL PLUG-INS in the context of social networks
The site of MASA Internacional uses social plug-ins of the social network, which is managed from the USA by Facebook inc., Palo Alto, USA, (“Facebook”). Plug-ins are identified by the logo of Facebook or by the symbols of “Facebook”, “Like” or “Share”.
When they access any of our Web Sites which contain the said Plug-ins, those are initially deactivated. Plug-ins are only activated when you click on the corresponding icon. When activating this, a connection to Facebook is created and at that moment you give your consent to transfer details to Facebook. When logging in Facebook, the said social network may manage the visit to your personal account in Facebook. When they press the corresponding button, the information in question is transferred from the browser directly to Facebook and it is stored there.
We kindly ask you to get information about the privacy policy of Facebook in order to learn the purpose and the scope of collection of details, their ulterior processing, and the use of the said details by Facebook, as well as their rights thereof and the configuration possibilities to protect their privacy.
If you do not wish that Facebook collects information about you through our Web Site you must log out in Facebook before you visit our Web Site.
Google +
The site of MASA Internacional uses social plug-ins of the social network, which is managed from the USA by Google inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, , USA, (“Google”). Plug-ins are identified by the logo of Google+ or by the symbols of “Google+”, “Google plus” or “+1.
When they access any of our Web Sites which contain the said Plug-ins, those are initially deactivated. Plug-ins are only activated when you click on the corresponding icon. When activating this, a connection to Google+ is created and at that moment you give your consent to transfer details to Google. When logging in Google+, the said social network may manage the visit to your personal account in Google+. When they press the corresponding button, the information in question is transferred from the browser directly to Google and it is stored there.
We kindly ask you to get information about the privacy policy of Google in order to learn the purpose and the scope of collection of details, their ulterior processing, and the use of the said details by Google, as well as their rights thereof and the configuration possibilities to protect their privacy.
If you do not wish that Google collects information about you through our Web Site you must log out in Google+ before you visit our Web Site.
The site of MASA Internacional uses the video platform Vimeo, which is managed from the USA by Vimeo LLC, 555 W 18th St New York, New York 10011, USA. YouTube is a platform that allows the reproduction of audio and video files.
When they access any of our Web Sites, the player associated to Vimeo which is in the said web site makes a connexion to Vimeo to ensure a transmission of video and audio files . The connexion to Vimeo entails that details are sent to Vimeo.
We kindly ask you to get information about the privacy policy of Vimeo in order to learn the purpose and the scope of collection of details, their ulterior processing, and the use of the said details by YouTube, as well as their rights thereof and the configuration possibilities to protect their privacy.
The site of MASA Internacional uses social plug-ins of the social network Twitter, which is managed from the USA by Twitter inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA, (“Twitter”). Plug-ins are identified by the logo of Twitter or by the symbol of “Tweet”.
When they access any of our Web Sites which contain the said Plug-ins, those are initially deactivated. Plug-ins are only activated when you click on the corresponding icon. When activating this, a connection to Twitter is created and at that moment you give your consent to transfer details to Twitter. When logging in Twitter, the said social network may manage the visit to your personal account in Twitter. When they press the corresponding button, the information in question is transferred from the browser directly to Twitter and it is stored there.
We kindly ask you to get information about the privacy policy of Twitter in order to learn the purpose and the scope of collection of details, their ulterior processing, and the use of the said details by Twitter, as well as their rights thereof and the configuration possibilities to protect their privacy.